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EMCDDA/Europol. Cocaine: increasingly attractive for a wider range of criminal networks

EMCDDA/Europol. Cocaine: increasingly attractive for a wider range of criminal networks

A large variety of individuals, many of them designated as high-value targets, groups and networks shape the complex supply of cocaine to the EU. Criminal networks involved in cocaine trafficking are highly resilient, with some operating across several continents. For example, some locations in the Middle East, such as the United Arab Emirates, have emerged as a safe haven for top-level organisers of cocaine trafficking to the EU. Further, criminal networks originating from the EU or the EU’s neighbourhood have also become established in key locations in South America, or maintain direct contacts with suppliers. Trusted members of the criminal networks are sent to arrange and supervise these shipments. (EMCDDA, Lissabon, 06.05.2022)
