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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

My Old Doctor Gave Me Methadone. Being Forced Into a Clinic Ruined It.

My Old Doctor Gave Me Methadone. Being Forced Into a Clinic Ruined It.

I lost my leg in a car accident when I was 15. A little while after, I started having pain from nerve damage. I was prescribed oxycodone. Very quickly, and unlike the large majority of people prescribed opioids, I became addicted, using oxy to treat my mental as well as physical pain. (…)

Then, one day in 2020, I found out my doctor was retiring. 

He told me that nothing would change with my medication. But restrictions and crackdowns during the overdose crisis have left doctors scared to prescribe opioids. I would soon learn just how scared.

The first time I saw my new doctor, he told me straight out that he wasn’t comfortable prescribing me methadone. He suggested that I go to a methadone clinic instead. (Filter, USA, 09-.07.2024)