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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Iran. ‘Beating Drug Addiction in Tehran: A Women’s Clinic’

Iran. ‘Beating Drug Addiction in Tehran: A Women’s Clinic’

A new book ‘Beating Drug Addiction in Tehran: A Women’s Clinic’ which explores the first women-only methadone clinic in Tehran, was launched on Sunday, 11 April 2021.

Written by Dr Kate Dolan, Adjunct Professor at The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), UNSW Sydney, the book reveals the hidden lives of four women who were treated at the clinic.

“This book details the incredible stories of these women and how they became drug users, the struggles they faced, and how they benefited from being in treatment,” said Dr Dolan.

Iran has the highest rate of opium use in the world and with alcohol banned many Iranians turn to opium.

“Iran implemented harm reduction measures early in the HIV epidemic like methadone clinics, however most clinics were overrun by men who use drugs,” said Dr Dolan.

“Women who used drugs were reluctant to seek help, so a women-only clinic was needed to attract women into treatment.”

Dr Dolan established the first methadone clinic for female drug users in Iran and was granted access to areas and people not normally afforded to outsiders. (UNSW MEDICINE - National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Australien, April 2021)
