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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Methadon zur Substitution

Toward patient-tailored therapy in agonist opioid treatment: the role of psychopathology, craving behavioural covariates, stress reaction and methadone blood concentration. A case series

Toward patient-tailored therapy in agonist opioid treatment: the role of psychopathology, craving behavioural covariates, stress reaction and methadone blood concentration. A case series

Maremmani A.G.I., Bacciardi S., Maremmani I., Della Rocca F., Lamanna F., Socci C., Cerrai E., Zallocco L., Cerniglia L., Cimino S., Giusti L., Lucacchini A., Protti M., Mercolini L., Perugi G., and Mazzoni M.R.

Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Published Ahead of Print, October 2, 2020