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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Fentanyl

What is the Transmucosal Immediate-Release Fentanyl (TIRF) REMS?

What is the Transmucosal Immediate-Release Fentanyl (TIRF) REMS?

The Transmucosal Immediate Release Fentanyl (TIRF) Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Program is an FDA-required program designed to ensure informed risk-benefit decisions before initiating treatment, and while patients are treated to ensure appropriate use of TIRF medicines. The purpose of the REMS is to mitigate the misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose, and serious complications due to medication errors with the use of TIRF medicines. (tirfremsaccess.com, USA, aufgerufen am 19.09.2024)
