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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Benzodiazepine

Schottland. Managing Benzodiazepine Risk: Time for a benzo specific Intervention?

Schottland. Managing Benzodiazepine Risk: Time for a benzo specific Intervention?

In this blog we consider interventions for people with dependent benzodiazepine (benzos) use alongside opiate use.  We consider this in the context of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) standards which would still largely apply in principle in Scotland, with some differences in emphasis.  The principles of trauma informed care and providing a psychologically informed environment are, if anything, more important for those using benzos. However same day prescribing is unlikely as stabilising someone’s opiate dose is generally considered first by clinicians, before considering starting a benzo prescription.  Benzo harm reduction is different to that traditionally proposed for opiate use which is focused around safer injecting. In this blog we share some information on a bespoke intervention for those using street benzos with other substances that is currently being tested in Scotland. (Drugs Research Network Scotland, Schottland, Januar 2023)
