Irland. Long-term methadone maintenance treatment: Stigma and social isolation
Irland. Long-term methadone maintenance treatment: Stigma and social isolation
Mirroring trends throughout Europe, there has been a distinct rise in the age of Ireland’s opiate users who are in treatment. In 2015, 42.5% of treated opiate users nationally were over the age of 35 years compared to 27% in 2009. In the Dublin region, this trend is more pronounced: while 31.5% of individuals treated for opiate use in 2009 were over the age of 35, this proportion increased to 54% by 2015. Yet, very little is known about the lives of individuals who have been accessing methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) for a prolonged period of time and their experiences remain largely invisible. (Merchants Quay, Ireland, Homeless & Drugs Service, Irland, Oktober 2019)