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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Wake up - We Are Dying! A Call to Action from People who use Drugs on International Overdose Awareness Day 

Wake up - We Are Dying! A Call to Action from People who use Drugs on International Overdose Awareness Day 

On International Overdose Awareness Day, we, as people who use drugs from around the world, demand an end to the death and devastation wrought by the overdose epidemic. Awareness is nothing without concerted political action. 

Our very lives, and the lives of those we love, are the human cost of this deadly war on drugs. All too often, drugs themselves are blamed for claiming so many lives. In reality, we should lay the blame on the architects of the disastrous drug war, the lack of political will to find real solutions, and the societal apathy generated by decades of stigma and discrimination. The combined cost of all this is proving too brutal to bear. Today, as we do every other day, drug user unions and networks call for action. (INPUD - The International Network of People who Use Drugs, 31.08.2019)