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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Launch of Injecting Drug User Implementation Tool Training Manual 

Launch of Injecting Drug User Implementation Tool Training Manual 

INPUD is very excited to launch the Injecting Drug User Implementation Tool Training Manual and accompanying slides.

Developed jointly by UNODC and INPUD, in collaboration with other partners, the guidance document Implementing Comprehensive HIV Programmes with People who Inject Drugs: Practical Approaches from Collaborative Interventions – otherwise known as the Injecting Drug User Implementation Tool (IDUIT) – was published in 2016.  It describes how to implement effective programmes and services for HIV and HCV prevention interventions for and with people who inject drugs.

The training manual is designed to support the roll-out of the IDUIT through capacity building at regional, country or local level. It has been developed to facilitate the work of trainers in organising and delivering training and workshops on the IDUIT to communities of people who use drugs to help them serve their own community in line with the evidence based and human rights-based approaches outlined in the IDUIT, and to interact with a wide range of governmental and non-governmental organisations, including public health and drug policy makers, and harm reduction and HIV programme managers and staff. (INPUD - International Network of People who Use Drugs, Oktober 2019)