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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Verschiedenes

Kanada. Project to Set Up 100 Harm Reduction “Vending Machines” Across Canada

Kanada. Project to Set Up 100 Harm Reduction “Vending Machines” Across Canada

Vending machines are increasingly being deployed to distribute harm reduction supplies in North America. As Filter has reported, they’re being used to dispense hydromorphone in a Canadian safe supply project, and naloxone and sterile syringes in New York City, among other examples. One of their notable benefits is the level of anonymity they provide.

Now, a larger-scale effort expects to set up around 100 such machines across Canada in the next three years. Despite their being known colloquially as “vending machines,” using them is free. They’ll offer critical equipment like HIV testing kits, condoms, naloxone and syringes, as well as information—via a large touch-screen face. (Filter, USA, 06.02.2023)
