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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Verschiedenes

Kanada. British Columbia’s “Safe Supply” Program A Tacit Admission That Drug Prohibition Kills and Legalization Saves Lives  

Kanada. British Columbia’s “Safe Supply” Program A Tacit Admission That Drug Prohibition Kills and Legalization Saves Lives

The Wall Street Journal reported today that British Columbia has decided to address its growing drug overdose rate (largely fueled by fentanyl‐tainted drugs) with a program called “Safe Supply.” Under this new policy, health care practitioners are permitted to prescribe legal, pharmaceutical‐​grade substitutes for drugs obtained on the black market, so that users of illicit drugs can get something approaching their preferred drug experience and avoid withdrawal, without having to turn to the dangerous black market that is powered by drug prohibition. Of course, not all the people who take advantage of the program are addicted to these drugs. Many are chemically dependent and are using the drugs to avoid the misery of withdrawal. (CATO Institute, USA, 26.07.2021)
