Results from ENDCR’s short survey on new synthetic opioids observed in European Drug Consumption Rooms – European Harm Reduction Network
Results from ENDCR’s short survey on new synthetic opioids observed in European Drug Consumption Rooms – European Harm Reduction Network
This report provides a brief insight into the use of heroin and new synthetic opioids (NSO) use among drug users visiting Drug Consumption Rooms (DCRs) in Europe. We applied via email a short questionnaire with 6 questions to all registered members of the European Network of Drug Consumption Rooms (ENDCR), to perform a rapid assessment of current NSO use, based on observations from these frontline services. 26 DCRs from 18 cities located in 12 European countries completed the questionnaire at the closing date of the survey, representing around 26% of all European DCRs (1). All countries with DCRs in Europe at the time of the study had at least one DCR responding to the survey (Table 1). A descriptive analysis was performed and findings were summarized in this short report.
(…) No significant decrease in heroin availability was reported. Heroin markets, particularly those linked to DCRs, appear to remain relatively stable. (…) The replacement of heroin with NSO is rarely reported. (Correlation, Niederlande, 21.01.2025)
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