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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

USA. FACT SHEET: Addressing Addiction and the Overdose Epidemic 

USA. FACT SHEET: Addressing Addiction and the Overdose Epidemic 

Drug overdose deaths have reached a historic high, devastating families and communities. More than 104,000 Americans died due to a drug overdose in the 12-month period ending in September 2021. We grieve these losses, and commit to continuing our work to save lives.

Tonight, President Biden outlined the decisive actions his Administration is taking to address addiction and the overdose epidemic and laid out a vision for how his Administration will continue to expand evidence-based prevention, harm reduction, treatment, recovery, and supply reduction approaches to save lives. These efforts are bringing together Republicans and Democrats across the country because every community has been affected.

Specifically, the President outlined his comprehensive approach, including… 

Removing Barriers to Treatment

Medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), such as buprenorphine and methadone, is a safe and effective treatment. However, most Americans who need treatment for an opioid use disorder do not get it. That is why President Biden has called for universal access to MOUD by 2025. To reach this goal, the Administration has advanced actions that remove unnecessary barriers that prevent medical providers from prescribing FDA-approved medications to their patients; lifted the moratorium on mobile vans providing methadone; supported states funding the purchase of such vans; and begun work on meeting individual treatment needs at times when people at high risk for an overdose need care and support. (The White House, USA, 01.03.2022)
