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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

USA. DEA Targets Precursors, Pill Presses in Fentanyl Supply Chain Crackdown

USA. DEA Targets Precursors, Pill Presses in Fentanyl Supply Chain Crackdown

In the aftermath of the temporary class-wide fentanyl ban the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) ordered in 2018, a lot of the novel synthetic opioids cropping up in the United States faded away. Placing all fentanyl analogs under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act didn’t improve anything for people who use the illicit drug supply, but from a forensics perspective it made the supply a little more straightforward relative to what it had been. The only reason transnational trafficking organizations were pursuing fentanyl analogs was because they could do so legally, and without that incentive they just went back to fentanyl. (Filter, USA, 07.11.2023)
