Drug Policy and City Government
Drug Policy and City Government
As cities and urban settlements grow and are home to increasing numbers of people, the problems related to drug policies are becoming more visible and dire in cities around the world. Mayors and municipal councilors, the closest policymakers to their constituencies, increasingly have to respond to the presence of the illegal drug market and to the negative outcomes of national repressive drug policies. While they are not mandated with drug control policies, cities have been able to provide the most innovative and protective drug policies, policies that have inspired the adoption by the national institutions of policies such as harm reduction, effective prevention and peaceful law-enforcement.
The members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, many having been mayors and municipal councilors, provide their analysis and recommendations on drug policy at the municipal level, and how pragmatic reforms on the ground can effectively address a top-down policy such as drug control. (Global Commission on Drug Policy, 2021)