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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Analysis of the World Drug Report 2023: The promise and peril of going green

Analysis of the World Drug Report 2023: The promise and peril of going green

With a format including not only the continued use of separate booklets, but also a new complementary online web-based element, the World Drug Report 2023 presents – as ever – an impressive array of largely accessible and user-friendly data and analysis of what the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC or Office) continues to refer to as the ‘world drug problem’. In so doing, readers can identify many familiar and predominantly alarming trends regarding the growing scale and increasing complexity of the illegal drug market. We are also informed, again, of ongoing inequalities relating to a range of official responses and policy interventions, including the availability of pharmaceutical opioids for medical consumption and significant barriers to treatment. (IDPC – International Drug Policy Consortium, UK, 23.01.2024)
