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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | International

Afghanistan. Uncharted Territory: Does the Taliban’s new edict signal a crackdown on the drugs trade is looming?

Afghanistan. Uncharted Territory: Does the Taliban’s new edict signal a crackdown on the drugs trade is looming?

The 2023/24 poppy season is already upon us, and most indicators including market prices suggest that the Taliban regime is going to press for a ban for an unprecedented second consecutive year. Even more unprecedented is the growing pressure the Taliban appear to be applying on the drugs trade just as the planting season begins. Were the Taliban to continue its ban on cultivation, as well as engage in a robust effort against the trade – particularly if they move against inventory and processing – it would be a real game changer with significant ramifications both downstream in Europe and for the political-economy of Afghanistan; not least for an estimated 6.9 million people who were denied the ability to earn an income from growing poppy in 2023 (see Figure 1). (David Mansfield in alcis, UK, 02.11.2023) 
