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| Hans-Günter Meyer-Thompson | Hepatitiden

The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis C Screening for Migrants in the EU/EEA: A Systematic Review.

The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Hepatitis C Screening for Migrants in the EU/EEA: A Systematic Review.

Greenaway C, Makarenko I, Chakra CNA, Alabdulkarim B, Christensen R, Palayew A, Tran A, Staub L, Pareek M, Meerpohl JJ, Noori T, Veldhuijzen I, Pottie K, Castelli F, Morton RL.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Sep 14;15(9). pii: E2013. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15092013. Review.